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The Passive Hang

Hello, I’m Phaon!

I’m a Melbourne based movement enthusiast.

Movement? What is that? What is movement?

“Movement culture” - something given a name by Ido Portal, captivated me since I came across his old blog. At that time I was searching for answers, plagued by repetitive injury and chronic pain. At the time I was searching for new training modalities to fix my body.

Movement introduced me to a wider world of training, but more importantly, transformed my perspective from only wanting “work-outs” into a practice. My intention changed from purely wanting a sweat, to trying to learn. The handstand was the first skill representing this change, and still continues to be a pillar in the practice.

When I first started, I really struggled to find good information. At the time I was away on long term travel, couldn’t afford coaching, and had no way to access community. Over the years I’ve now only started to understand what may be going on.

My aim for the Passive Hang is to become a resource for other movement enthusiasts - who may not be in a position to access coaching, who may not know who to approach, who may be new to this whole thing.

If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with the form below.