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Welcome to the Library of Locomotion!

 This is under construction and growing - with your help!

View the most updated version here on the Active Hang.

Click below to view information on each movement.

Movement Category
Frog Low Gait
Bear Low Gait
Duck Walk Low Gait
Ape Low Gait
Side Monkey Low Gait
Monkey Shift Low Gait
Leaping Monkey Low Gait
Rolê Low Gait
Crossed Rolê Low Gait
Dragon Step Low Gait
Dragon Fall Low Gait
Rotational L-Sit Low Gait
Reverse Leg Sweep Low Gait
Half Moon Switch Low Gait
Sit to Squat Low Gait
Lizard Crawl Low Gait
Inverted Lizard Low Gait
Lizard to Scorpion Exit Low Gait
Quadrapedal Crawl Low Gait
Cross Step Low Gait
Cossack Transfer Low Gait
Cossack Switch Low Gait
Corta Capim Spin Low Gait
Corta Capim Rotations Low Gait
Reverse Corta Capim Rotations Low Gait
Low Bridge Rotation Low Gait
Bridge Rotation Variations and Exits Low Gait
Static QDR Low Gait
QDR Rotational Pushup Low Gait
QDR Switches Low Gait
Around the Clock Floorwork
Back Roll Floorwork
Forward Roll Floorwork
Compass Floorwork
Rotational Swipe Acrobatics
Featherfall Acrobatics
Au Cortado Acrobatics
Cartwheel Acrobatics
Cartwheel Variations Acrobatics
Au de Frente Acrobatics
Macacao Acrobatics
Macacao Variations Acrobatics
S-Dobrado Acrobatics
Raiz Acrobatics
Butterfly Kick Acrobatics
Raiz Acrobatics
Touchdown Raiz Acrobatics
Front Star, Back Star, Prayer Floor Work

Do you have a suggestion of a movement to add? Send it in via the form below.